Circulation Policy
Patrons applying for the right to use the David & Joyce Milne Public Library agree to comply with all its rules, pay all damages, be responsible for all materials borrowed on their account, and comply with all library circulation policies.
Circulation Periods:
Books, Audio Books, and Music CDs: 21 days
All E-Books and Digital Media: 14 - 21 days
DVDs and Magazines: 7 days (for DVDs - 14 days for 3 or more disc sets)
Chromebooks: In-library use only
One automatic renewal is applied on most items checked out to patrons. Subsequent renewals are at the discretion of the owning library.
Patrons are allowed 50 items checked out on their record at any given time, regardless of format.
Items Owned by the Milne Public Library
For most items owned by the Milne Public Library, there are no late or overdue fines. Patrons can pay other fees by cash or check (made out to “Milne Public Library”) at the library, or by credit or debit card online. To pay online, go to the catalog and login to your patron account.
Damaged or removed Chromebooks, tablets, or other computers will be subject to a replacement fee of $200.00.
Email reminders are sent out 2 days prior to due dates. Late items two weeks beyond their due date will generate an emailed notice and/or phone call to the patron. Items not returned one month beyond their due date will be billed to the patron for the full replacement fee.
Per CW MARS policy, library patrons with more than $10.00 in fines or fees from any library will be blocked from borrowing materials from any of the C/WMARS libraries until they get their balance under $10.00.
Most materials have a replacement fee that is automatically assessed by the circulation system. This price is based on the retail cost of an item. Patrons must pay the fee directly to the library and MAY NOT purchase the replacement themselves.
Reserve and ILL (Interlibrary Loan) Items
Items owned by another library may accrue fines according to the other library’s policies.
The default C/WMARS fines are:
DVDs: $1.00 per day, with a $5.00 maximum fine limit per item
All other materials: $0.10 per day with a $5.00 maximum fine limit per item
ILLs are due on the date specified by the owning library. Items are held for 7 days on the “hold shelf” at the circulation desk. Subsequent renewals after the first are at the discretion of the owning library.
Replacement fees for ILL items will be determined and should be paid directly to the owning library. Patrons should contact the owning library directly to arrange payment.
Incomplete/Missing Parts of Items Returned to the Library
If an item is missing some parts when it is returned, then the item will be immediately renewed to the current borrowing patron, remaining their responsibility. The patron will be called and notified about the missing part. The incomplete item will be put on the library’s “problem shelf” and only checked in once it is complete.
Our staff is required to open and check the contents of all items being loaned out to patrons to make sure the item is complete. This check is also performed on items being returned.
The Thingdom is our lending library of things. The David & Joyce Milne Public Library’s Thingdom offers an extensive collection of miscellany such as equipment, experience passes to museums and attractions, tools, technology, games, and other specialty items to check out for free. These items help support the library’s mission to provide a variety of information and materials to support curiosity, free inquiry, and life-long learning. The Thingdom acquisitions follow the David & Joyce Milne Public Library’s Collection Development and Donations Policy.
Thingdom Borrower Criteria:
To borrow from the Milne Public Library’s Thingdom collection, a patron must have a CW MARS library card in good standing.
Thingdom items are intended for check out and take home use.
Patrons are permitted to check out a maximum of five items concurrently from this collection.
Due to safety concerns, some items are only available to patrons 18 and older and require a Thingdom Informed Consent Form. Those items will be identified on the item itself and in the library catalog. For those items, the patron must review the Thingdom Policy and sign the attached Consent Form. Once signed, a note will be added to the patron’s record indicating consent and the Consent Form will be kept on file.
By taking possession of any item, the patron is certifying that they are capable of using the item in a safe and appropriate manner. Not all items are suitable or safe for all patrons. Responsibility for a child’s use of an item rests with the parent or guardian.
The patron who borrows the item is responsible for the item.
The patron agrees that the library is not responsible for any manufacturing defects in quality of workmanship or materials inherent in any borrowed items.
The patron agrees that if any item becomes unsafe or in a state of disrepair, they will immediately discontinue use of the item and notify library staff.
The patron agrees not to modify or tamper with hardware or software settings established by Milne Public Library on applicable items.
Thingdom loan periods vary by item however the majority of items circulate for one week.
There will be no renewals allowed for Thingdom items due to high demand.
Thingdom items will not be shared via delivery with other libraries. All items are borrowed from and returned directly to the Milne Public Library.
Thingdom items need to be returned to the Circulation Desk during the library’s open hours. Some items may take 24-48 hours to check in from your account.
All items must be returned in the same condition as issued, barring normal wear and tear.
The patron agrees to pay for the loss or theft of or damage to any item and further agrees to accept the library’s assessment of condition and assessment of fair restitution for damage, dirtiness, delinquency, and/or loss of items in part or in total. This restitution amount could equal up to the full replacement cost of the item.
The library reserves the right to refuse the loan of any item at its discretion.
The Thingdom collection contains some items intended for use by patrons aged 18 or over due to safety concerns. Not all things are suitable or safe for all patrons. Responsibility for a child’s use of an item rests with the parent or guardian. Out of respect for future users, please inspect all borrowed items before return and ensure
they are returned in the condition in which they were borrowed. Please immediately report any damage to library staff.
I, _____________________________________________ (print name), state that:
I have read The Thingdom Lending Policy and confirm that I can adhere to each of the clauses.
I am capable and experienced in using the items I am borrowing, and that I will use the items in a proper manner.
I do hereby for myself, on behalf of my successors and assigns, in consideration of being permitted to borrow items, waive any and all claims against the David & Joyce Milne Public Library, the Town of Williamstown, its officers, agents, and employees for any injury or injuries of any nature that I may suffer or incur in the use of the items that I am borrowing from the David & Joyce Milne Public Library.
I do hereby for myself, on behalf of my successors and assigns, in consideration of being permitted to borrow items, agree to release and indemnify and hold harmless the David & Joyce Milne Public Library, the Town of Williamstown, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, loss, claims, and demands, actions or causes of action for the death or injury to any persons and for any property damage suffered or incurred by any person which arises or may arise or be occasioned in any way from the use of items I am borrowing from the David & Joyce Milne Public Library. I am aware that the David & Joyce Milne Public Library, its partners, directors, officers, members, and employees claim no expertise and make no representation concerning the fitness of any item for any particular use.
I understand that one or more items I am checking out may have a replacement value of $100 or more (where applicable). Items costing more than $100 will be labeled with replacement cost details.
I am 18 years old or older.
I affirm that the above information is current, true and correct and may be subject to verification. I further state that I have read and fully understand the rules and regulations of the David & Joyce Milne Public Library and I understand that failure to comply with any of these rules may result in revocation of my borrowing privileges and/or legal action against me. I have read and signed an Informed Consent form, relinquishing any and all claims against the David & Joyce Milne Public Library, the Town of Williamstown, its officers, agents, and employees.
Print Name
Library Card #
For Staff Use Only:
Staff Initials Processing Liability Waiver __________ Date __________
Staff Initials Updating Patron Record with Waiver Consent __________ Date
Adopted 11-Sept-2024