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Display and Exhibit Policy


Please note: we require that exhibitors sign our exhibit policy. Printed copies are available at the library, or you can download a copy to print and sign yourself here.


The Milne Library welcomes the opportunity to allow community groups and individuals to use the various display and exhibit areas in the building, as part of its mission to provide a wide range of information and materials, and to encourage and support the civic, intellectual, and cultural pursuits of the community. Space is provided for displays of an educational, cultural, intellectual, charitable, or recreational nature, and for exhibiting works of area artists and craftspeople. Display areas may also be used for materials from the library’s collection, or to publicize library services, collections, or activities.

Exhibit areas are available on an equitable basis regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. The library endeavors to present a broad spectrum of opinion and viewpoints. The library does not endorse content nor imply agreement or disagreement with beliefs or viewpoints expressed in the exhibits or displays. The library does not accept responsibility for ensuring that all points of view are represented in any single display.

The Milne Library reserves the right to determine at its sole discretion what materials will be displayed as well as scheduling, duration, and assignment of display spaces. The library has the right to review the materials in advance. The library’s decision on what will be displayed in its exhibit spaces shall be final.

All display spaces within the library are open to adults and children of all ages and sensibilities. Exhibit areas may also be passageways for employees and for members of the public of all ages to reach some library services. Therefore, displays should be appropriate in scale, material, form, and content for the library environment. For example, the library discourages material containing images that include significant elements of sexually explicit imagery or graphic depictions of violence. In general, the library does not accept exhibits of a purely commercial nature, unless they have a special educational, informational, or cultural value to the community. Materials advocating a particular vote on a candidate or ballot proposition may not be exhibited. The library reserves the right to remove any item from an exhibition or display on the above grounds or if the exhibition is a possible safety hazard, is too large or otherwise inappropriate for the display space, creates a maintenance problem, exceeds acceptable noise and light levels, or interferes with the public service or other activities in adjacent library areas. If the exhibit contains elements that may be of concern under this policy, the exhibitor should discuss it with the library’s representative in advance of the installation date.


Exhibit Guidelines

  • Exhibit space must be reserved in advance.

  • All materials are displayed at the exhibitor’s own risk.

  • The exhibitor is responsible for installing and labeling the exhibit on the agreed upon date.

  • The exhibitor shall remove the exhibit promptly on the agreed upon date.

  • All displays/exhibits must be set up and removed with as little interference as possible to the daily operations of the library. Once the exhibit is installed, changes may be made only with library approval.

  • The library has the right to remove exhibit materials if they aren’t picked up by the agreed upon date.

  • The exhibitor must be identified by name within the display.

  • No fees are charged for display spaces. Groups using display spaces may not charge an admission fee or request donations.

  • The library shall not be responsible for handling any money from the sale of items displayed. Exhibitors who desire to sell items shall include as part of their displays information on how to purchase items. Any items sold during a display period shall remain on display until all items are scheduled to be removed. If a purchaser wishes to take an item before the end of the display period, the item must be immediately replaced by the exhibitor so as not to leave exposed hanging wires and empty spaces.

  • Pricing can be attached to displays or on a price list.

  • The exhibit areas are open to the public only during the regular open hours of the library unless by special arrangement.

  • Artist receptions are permitted during library hours. The artist is responsible for set-up and clean-up. If alcohol or other intoxicants are being served, permission must be approved by the board of trustees one month prior at a regularly scheduled trustee meeting.

  • Damages to the premises, equipment, or furnishings as a result of exhibitor use will be charged to the individual or group responsible.

  • Nothing may be affixed to the exhibition wall using tape, adhesive putty, command strip, or any other such product. Exhibit materials must be hung using the hanging wires and hooks provided.

Requests for Reconsideration of Materials
Although exhibition materials are carefully selected, there can arise differences of opinion regarding the suitability of some items. Patrons requesting that items be withdrawn from or restricted/reclassified (e.g. labeling for adults) within an exhibit may complete a "Reconsideration of Library Materials Form" which is available in the library and on the website. The form will be given to the Director for a decision. If the patron so desires, it will be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for further review.


Bulletin Board

As space allows, the library will post notices on the lobby bulletin board and/or put out pamphlets that generally fall into one of the following categories:

Non-profit: The event advertised may have a charge, but no profits are gained. It is not for a commercial enterprise.

Educational: Functions for public and private schools, home school groups, and non-profit groups supporting education.

Cultural: Cultural, non-profit groups or events.

Civic: Notices for events sponsored by local government or civic groups that are of cultural or educational interest.

In all cases, preference will be given to:

  • Library sponsored events and affiliated groups, such as the Friends of the

  • Library. Other bulletin boards within the library proper are reserved for library postings.

  • Beyond library events, “non-partisan” local/community information and Town events.

  • Community Interest Groups, Childcare, Classes

All postings and pamphlets must be submitted to Library staff at the Circulation Desk and will be dated and posted as soon as possible and as space allows (evaluated on an ongoing process). Placement of posters is based on space available, time of the event, and the length of time the library has had the material. Generally, no posting will remain on the bulletin board for more than 30 days. As space allows postings larger than 8 1⁄2” x 11” may be displayed on a rotating basis.

The library reserves the right to refuse to post and the right to remove announcements, posters, displays, and pamphlets or exhibits which in its judgment do not meet the above criteria. The library assumes no responsibility for the preservation of the material and may be removed and disposed of by the library staff as needed.


Acceptance of materials for display does not imply approval or disapproval by the library of the ideas or opinions expressed. The library assumes no liability for the quality or safety of any goods or services, which may be the subject of postings, displays or pamphlets.

Adopted June 14th, 2023

Updated with Bulletin Board Policy on June 18th, 2024


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