We will once again host and co-host several events for the Climate Preparedness Week which is the last week of every September! Many Massachusetts Libraries collaborate with Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW) on Climate Preparedness Week to prepare communities for extreme weather by offering programs about emergency preparedness and the intersection of climate change and social justice.
This year's theme is "Re-Imagining Our Relationship with the Land."
Here in Williamstown we are hosting an in-person program and a virtual program, and also helping to fund and publicize another climate event happening virtually:
September 24th, 4-5 p.m. Virtual Book Talk: Reading the Forested Landscape with Professor Tom Wessels
September 25th, 6-8 p.m. In-Person Event: Learn About and 'Check Out' an Electric Vehicle!
October 1st, 6-7 p.m. Virtual Talk: Climate Smart Forestry, with Andrew Randazzo
October 4th, 6:30-8 p.m. Virtual Talk: Feeding Backyard Birds, with William Gette
Please see our calendar for any updates!
In addition, the Pioneer Valley Library Cooperative is publicizing all of the CPW events that are hosted by libraries, most of which are virtual so accessible to all.
Also, did you know that the Milne Public Library is a Climate Resilience Hub? This means that at this point we are not a shelter, but as libraries so often do, we provide information, in this case about extreme weather preparedness. In addition to having a range of books about climate change and preparing for changing weather, we also have a binder with some very helpful guides about preparing for all kinds of extreme weather before it happens.
For more information about Climate Prep Week, or about climate change and extreme weather in general, please contact Kira at kwilliams@cwmars.org.